Monday, August 20, 2012

Preparatory program 2012, complete

We have completed preparatory program 2012, following are the admitted students numbers:

  1. IIIT Hyderabad - 107 admitted
  2. JNTU Hyderaabad - 102 admitted
  3. JNTU Kakinada - 32


arjun said...

what about the others sir?
haven't they cleared the preparatory barrier?
how many of them left without even completing the preparatory program?
kindly answer the above because these stats wil help me how hard i need to give a shot.
i am aspiring to come for the 13 session of the program.

manjunath said...

Most them left because of other reasons like job, mtech, abroad etc. less than 2% of them were sent away because they couldn't get 80%.

Some of the left after admission is given to them.